
Appraisal practice

UNEKS legal aid agency is a member of Russian Appraisal Society, it was accredited by Ministry of Land and Property Relations of RT and in the Ministry of Justice of RT. In mortgage lending programme UNEKS legal aid agency cooperates with Agency for Housing Mortgage lending of RT and Centre of Housing Mortgage, as well as with a number of bnks, such as KIT Finance Investment Bank, OJSC Energobank Joint-Stock Commercial bank, the Kazan branch of Kamsky Commercial bank.

Specialists of the agency have rich experience in estimation of business, land plots, buildings, erections, construction-in-progress, intangible assets and other property. Representatives of the agency in each case render professional aid and appraisal-related consultations.

Specialists of UNEKS agency help clients in investment projects business plans development. When opening new business directions enterprises need financial resources. As a rule, cash deficiency is covered by bank credits and it takes a substantiation of investment project efficiency in the form of a business plan to obtain such credits.

In the course of work specialists of the agency, depending on equipment capacity and demand for product (services, works) make forward business plans, calculate budget efficiency, burden of taxation, cash flows. In the course of calculations cash deficiency is estimated, credit amount and probable amortization schedule are determined, project pay-off period is rated. Basing on the obtained data administration of enterprise takes final decision on expediency of new businesses development and gets possibility of credit amount substantiation in bank as per bank requirements.

Services in sphere of appraisal:

  • Appraisal in terms of assignment of federal, regional, municipal property, as well s property of joint stock companies with government-owned shareholding;
  • Appraisal in terms of pledge rating in the course of credit obtaining;
  • Appraisal in terms of rating of contribution in kind to authorized capital;
  • Appraisal in terms of repurchase of shares and buying out;
  • Appraisal in terms of taxable base detection;
  • Appraisal in terms of distribution of estate, confiscation, bankruptcy;
  • Appraisal of damages to property caused by one’s activities
Services in sphere of business planning:
  • Development of investment project technical and economic substantiation;
  • Development of investment project business plans;
  • Marketing research procedure (determination of market capacity, penetration, market share, promotion methods development);
  • Naming and renaming (design of name, corporate design and enterprise or manufactured articles renaming);
  • Brand management, rebranding.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Alfred Churaev in issues related with appraisal practice.

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