
Our clients include more than 100 big and medium enterprises of all spheres of economy. We render economic support of enterprises of chemical and petrochemical industry, machine building, oil production and oil processing, telecommunications, companies dealing with investments and finance, power complex and construction, food industry and transport, trade, as well as enterprises of other branches. They include:

Chemical and petrochemical industry
Kazanorgsyntez, Kvart, Kazan synthetic rubber plant, Chemical plant named after Karpov, Petrokam, Khiton, Kamsky Polymer Material Plant

Machine building
Kazan Motor Building Association, ALNAS JSC, Almetyevsk Pipe Plant, Minicar Plant, KAMAZ-Metallurgiya, ELAZ, Bugulma Electric Pumps Plant JSC

Oil production and oil processing
Bulgarneft, Tatnefteotdacha, Tatneftegazopererabotka Tatneft, Kara-Altyn enterprise, Ideloil, Akmai, Aloil, Geotech, Promremstroineft, Chishmaneft

MetroTelKazan, Tatinkom-Т, Tattelekom

Investment, financial, consultancy activities
Audit-Centre, FBK-Povolzhye, Hiring-Group, Kazan insurance company , Macro-Test Consulting (Moscow city), Ak Bars Holding company, Chulpan Insurance company, FBK (Moscow city), Tattranscom-Invest

Power complex
Almetyevsk heating systems enterprise, Kazenergo, Kazgorsvet, Tatelektromontazh

Armoni ITDSLSh, Brik, Kazan integrated house building company Investjiulstroiservice, Kulonstroi, Odak insaat muhendeslik, Osnova-Building resources, Road service of RT, Stroimetalsnab, Tatstroi, Tatstroiinvest Stroiservice, Tatsvyazproject, Tekor, Urussinsky enterprise of non-metal materials Tatavtodor, Vostokmontajgaz

Wood Industry
Zelenodolsk plywood plant

Ak Bars Avia, Energopostavka-XXI century, Tatarstan air company, Tulpar air company

Central Department Store Kazansky, Idel-M Kom, Koltzo hypermarket, Master Chemicals, OGO- Agroprom (Moscow city), Povolzhye international grain company (Samara city)

Food industry
Bakery and Confectionery Pant , Chelny - Khleb, Yubileinaya poultry plant, Kazan bakery plant # 2, Kazan bakery plant # 4, Kazan Greenhouse state farm, Kazanzernoproduct, Rossia Confectioners’ Association (Samara city), The Volga region integrated food plant, VAMIN - Tatarstan

Industrial production
Almetyevsk-Alnas-service, Aviamotor Design and Production Enterprise, Dvigatelmontazh company, FOIT- KMPO, Gosinprom-KNIAT, Mikon -K, Nizhnekamsk Roof, Prokam, Upravdom

Services and Miscelaneous
Almetyevsk water treatment plant, Energoschit security company, Kazan aviation production association names after Tupolev, Kekin House, Main Educational administration of MIA of RT, Tatgaztorg, Tatgosenergonadzor

Idel-Press Polygraphic-publishing complex , Yuldash newspaper office

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