
Customs law and currency regulation

Specialists of UNEKS legal aid agency render a wide range of legal services in the sphere of customs law and currency regulation, starting with consulting in problems of tax and customs legislation and up to court appeal against actions and acts of customs bodies and currency regulation agencies.

We are ready to offer following services in the sphere if customs law and currency regulation:

  • consultancy in tax law, including issues of goods’ dutiable value determination and confirmation; customs exemption; confirmation of goods’ origin; classification of goods; use of most economically sound customs regimes in import and export of goods and so on.
  • representation in customs agencies in cases of disputes, including those of bringing to administrative responsibility;
  • representation in judicial agencies in the course of administrative procedure, contestation in court of customs agencies illegal activity (inactivity) and acts;
  • legal support of activities on paying up property deposits to authorized (reserve) capital and monitoring of such projects which includes aid in execution and registration of constitutional documents in tax and customs agencies, in reception of preliminary classification judgement, in exemption of import duties and VAT on the stage of customs clearance, customs formalities in customer warehouse, assistance in due and qualitative customs clearing of goods imported as contribution to authorized capital, their evaluation by independent assessor;
  • evaluation of customs risks in the course of transit risks through customs frontier of RF, recommendations on corrective measures;
  • execution of documents legal examination, including customs documents, foreign economic contracts, commercials and other documents, in order to elicit and minimize customs risks;
  • legal aid in drawing up foreign trade and foreign economic contracts as per norms of international law and legislation of the Russian Federation, customs broker and carrier service contracts, as well as contracts on bonded storage and on temporary storage warehouse;
  • consulting in terms of currency regulation, including those of currency operations execution between residents, non-residents, residents and non-residents; in terms of transaction passport execution, repatriation of foreign currency and Russian currency by residents, and so on;
  • representation in court in appealing against activity (inactivity) and acts of currency control bodies, including those of bringing to administrative responsibility on currency operations and so on.

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